Friday, August 7, 2009


I was checking my Facebook page today and saw a post by Dr. Ty Adams that really disturbed me. It wasn't the content of the post that disturbed me, but the picture that was included on the post. You see, right there in the middle of the screen was a picture of a baby that was aborted rather late in the pregnancy. The head had been decapitated, the arm had been removed. You could clealy see that it was a completely normal baby boy. Instantly, I began to flash my mind to my son sleeping in his crib rather peacefully. I began to think about my son who was in the shower at the time. I began to think of the baby that I lost. A knot welled up in my throat. This is the second time that I have accidently stumbled upon a picture of an abortion that has been more cutting than a horror show. The first time was when I was researching side effects to my medication. I tried using the 'Bing' search engine for the first time. It had a section for photos that had to do with my medication. Right there was a picture of a baby being sucked out of a woman's womb. I could see the contents of her pregnancy in a container connected with a tube. I cried like it was my own child. Today, the picture was ten times as worst. That baby looked like a full-term baby. It hit right to the heart of my emotions. I am angry that Dr. Ty allowed that picture to be seen. I think she should have protected us and given us an option to click on the link if we wanted to see it. But, I applaud her for standing out on the issues.
The big issue is that our Federal Government wants to uses our tax dollars to fund abortions. I have to be responsible for what I do to my own body and to other people. I am angry because I don't want to be responsible for another woman's decision to murder her child. I think I have written this before, but the government is trying to turn us into mobsters who put hits out on precious little babies. Now I am not completely cold where a woman 'in trouble' is concerned. I know how devastating it is to be in a position where you are ashamed of what has happened and you feel as though you cannot support what has been conceived. It is indeed a frightening experience. I know that there is a ministry on the inside of me to provide hope to the hopeless. I also know women who use abortion as birth control and have no remorse as they walk into the clinic and have life removed from their womb without a second thought. Many frequent the abortion clinics several times a year and it is as natural to them as having a pap smear. God forbid that we have grown into stone cold murderers and our babies cry from the grave, "Why did you not give me chance to live?" The bottom line is that I don't want to pay for another woman's decision to abort her baby. She should pay for it herself. I fshe can't afford it, then she should use birth control or abstinence until she gets married. I don't agree with the people standing out in front of the clinics with their rosary beads cursing a woman's decision. I think that more solutions need to be given for the ones who do make a decision to keep their babies alive. I think that the church needs to step into position and be a change agency for the children that make it. We need to make sure that we find homes for those children that survive the holocaust of abortion. I know plenty of families who are childless and would love to have a baby. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Plain Old Rebellious

I remember when I was a little girl, I seemed to flock towards trying my parents to see what I could get away with. This was inspite of the fact that I never got away with anything. I remember trying to swat a fly with a blue plastic bat and I broke the screen on the front porch. The hole was big and I nearly peed in my pants. After fleeing the scene of the crime and gaining my composure, I returned home only to see that all my siblings were lined up and were being interrogated. No one knew what happened and no one would confess to the crime. I held my peace. We all were put on punishment and everyone was mad at each other. After a few days, I realized that my buddy, Terry, had moved away the same day that the screen had been broken. So, I went to my father and told him that Terry did it and that he threatened to beat me up if I told on him. I got in trouble again for not telling the truth. Of course, you know my older sisters beat me up. I hid this lie in my heart for 20 years and it was killing me. I finally called my mother and father and told them what had happened and it was the biggest relief off of my chest. My father threatened to give me a spanking at 28 years of age. I laughed so hard. I don't do well with being sneaky or dishonest. I am punished when I do wrong or make bad decisions. I never get away with anything.

I say this to say that it is the same thing with this country. According to the Associated Press in Washington, D.C, there is a hidden mandate in the abortion bill that may allow the use of taxpayers funds to end pregnancies. What in the world? Did someone not think that we would find out? Why was this not publicly announced so that we could protest? I try to put myself in the shoes of women all over this world. Stuff happens and we all make decisions today that we thoroughly regret later on. The world seems like it is going to end when we are in the moment, but years later, we thank God that we did not carry out with the original decision that we had made. But, I think that it is like hiring a hit man when you use federal money to fund killing babies. I don't want that blood on my hands. I believe that if you want to kill your baby, you need to pay for it out of your own pocket. I don't advocate killing babies. I have two precious children and I value their lives. What would I do if I did not have them? I don't have much political sense. So, if anyone out there knows what I can do to voice my opinion and who I should voice it to, please comment.

It seems like this USA is becoming very obviously rebellious. Whatever is good is now bad. What ever was bad or wrong, is now good. We have had Hurricane Katrina and all her relatives hit us. We have had planes destroy the World Trade Center. Tornadoes are taking out peoples homes in places that are unusual. Crazy things are going on and this country is sleeping not knowing that it is a wake up call. The bible says that rebellion is as the sin of witch craft. I pray for God's mercy and grace. Be blessed!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Watch Your Mouth

Proverbs 15:1 states that "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Not a few minutes after I meditated on this scripture and wrote it on my Facebook status page, I was tried. My husband asked a question or made a remark and I immediately chewed into him. I was blowing hot steam out of my nose and my whole countenance had changed. After the intensity changed and peace was restored, I sat right back down in front of my bible and that scripture was right there waiting on me. I was completely humbled and had to repent and apologize. I learned that we have to watch what comes out of our mouths and how we say it. There were many ways that I could have said something softer and received the outcome that would have been more desirable. So, I am going back on the potter's wheel and allow him to make me over again. I am sure that I will be tried in this area again and I am sure that I will fail again, but I will be closer to the place that I am supposed to be. I pray that all who read this will examine themselves and learn how to deal with people in love. God is working on me and he will do the same for you.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hate Crimes Law??

I just caught wind of a new "Hate Crimes" law that is going before the Senate this week and I was appalled. This law, if passed, would change the way Christians have been worshipping God for thousands of years. This law would mean that if a preacher preaches the Word of God and speaks against sexual immorality he could be sued, fined, and/or imprisoned if he offends a homosexual person. People have been offended for years by what the bible teaches, but that does not make the bible wrong. True offense in this situation comes from knowing that you are wrong and trying to justify what you are doing to make it right. This sounds like reverse discrimination to me. What if a heterosexual person is offended when the bible teaches that they must flee fornication? Will that person call it a hate crime? You have got to be joking. What about the Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist faiths? Don't they all teach against immorality?
What has this country come to? The problem comes from the church being slack in their responsibilities to be the authority in this country. The church has gotten off of it's knees and gone into the clubs. The church is fornicating, committing adultery, and doing everything that the world is doing. We are no longer distinguishable from the world. God help us.
The bible teaches that we should love our neighbors as we do ourselves. We don't tear down people and send them to hell. We minister to them and let them know that we love them and that it is God's will that all people come to repentence and not perish. If people receive it, then that is great. If it is not received, you have the satisfaction of knowing that you planted the seed and you can pray that someone else will come behind you and water it. Ultimately, it is God who will give the increase. I don't know what this country is going to be like in the years tp come. My prayer to God is that if He can find one righteous man or woman in this land, to spare us all from destruction. And if He decides to wipe us out like he did in the book of Genesis with Sodom and Gommorah, I hope He will forewarn us to leave and not look back. We have a lot of work to do in building this Kingdom. I decree and declare in the Name of Jesus that this country will arise and take her place again in the Kingdom of God. I welcome your comments.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Divorce in the Church

I am was looking through my Facebook page and stumbled upon a video of Pastor Jamal Bryant preaching about the MJ memorial. I was moved by the words and the anointing on this preacher's life. I am still encouraged by what he said about how people in CA responded to the memorial versus people in New York. The people of CA were cast down and saying, "The King is dead." The people of NY were dancing in the streets of the city. The message just made me realize that my God, the King of Kings, is alive and lives on the inside of me. He is not dead, but He is alive.
Right at the end of the video, it was though I heard a record scratch and my eyes focused in on Pastor Bryant's ringless finger. I thought, "What in the world?" My husband sometimes forgets to put his ring on before he leaves for work. But he does not do that often. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it kept nagging me. I immediately Googled him and right there was what I dreaded that I would see. The headlines stated that Pastor Jamal Bryant was going through a divorce. Although his wife and I were not friends, we did go to school together and both worked for the same pharmaceutical sales company in the same division. My heart began to ache for them. My heart began to ache for the church. How could this hit so close to home? I have been married for 3 years to a mighty man of God, but not without trouble from time to time. We vowed that we would stay together until death does us part. But, it was very discouraging to read about anointed men and women of God whose marriages don't make it. There is a strong attack against the institution of marriage in this country and people are giving in the evil devices of the enemy. And I can only imagine the effect that it has on the new believer or those who are on the edge of coming to the Lord. Would they want our God if we are subject to the same thing that the world faces?
I was faced with the same disappointment years ago when it was announced that Prophetess Juanita Weeks and her husband Bishop Thomas Weeks were divorcing. It was revealed that they were having knock down drag out fights and all kinds of allegations began to flow. I did not feel as though I needed to hear the intimate details about the failing of their marriage. It just hurt me alone just knowing that they did not make it. I had been a follower of the Prophetess' ministry for years and really had been blessed by what she brought forth by the Spirit of God. And all I could think was that a woman with all of that anointing could not save her marriage. What in the world will happen to mine? God's gifts and callings are without repentence, but will she be responsible for many people throwing in the towel on their own marriages and saying forget it? Will the people of God ignore the seriousness of divorce just because they see high profile church leaders doing it? God forbid.
Pastor Paula White and Bishop Randy White announced their divorce within the same week of Prophetess Bynum's announcement. I had just finished watching "Developing Healthy Relationships" by Pastor Paula and was completely blessed by it. All I could pray was, "Lord, you gave her this Word and it did not work for her. Please let it work for me."
One thing that I learned is that the enemy has a special assignment for the men and women of God and that the people of their congregations and their families have to keep them covered in prayer. I will not turn my backs on the ministries of Pastor Jamal Bryant, Prophetess Juanita Bynum, and Pastor Paula White. It just proves that they are real people and have flesh just like we all do. They are not secluded from sin or selfish acts like us normal laymen. There is just a special principality that is assigned to them to assure their failure. I will pray for them. I will listen to their messages and sow when the Lord leads me. As for my marriage, I trust God and will look to Him to keep us strong and one. The bottom line is that the church needs to put prayer back where it belongs or our voice will be silenced in this nation.